Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Who am I??


I provided a short introduction when I began this blog. As I return my attention to this blog after hiatus, I feel the need to give you more detail.

I am a woman, firstborn, Professional Network Marketer, friend, Virgo, student, mentor, Occupational Therapist, daughter, sister, teacher, coach, creator, and cook to mention the highlights who lives in Kentucky, USA.

My first career is in Occupational Therapy. I help people return to the meaningful activities of their daily life after injury or illness, focusing on what they want and need to "do" to function at their best. Sometimes this means showing people a new or different way to get things done. So largely my job centers on "teaching" and "coaching." However, in my health care profession I generally only get to work with people after a problem presents itself.

So HOW does this relate to NetWork Marketing?

For a number of years I watched someone close to my heart FAIL repeatedly and lose thousands of dollars in what he referred to as "network marketing opportunities."

At that time, I could see that several of these "opportunities" didn't make sense. However, I lacked the knowledge to understand HOW or WHY they wouldn't work. At that time, I was unable to help that person pursue what was most meaningful to them.

I actually came to DESPISE the term NetWork Marketing.

THEN, I got educated!!

I was introduced to a team of people willing to educate others for *FREE, in any company.
I came to understand the difference between a legitimate multi-level marketing business and an illegal pyramid scheme. Things began to make sense. I could now see WHY the concept of leveraging effort and residual income appealed to so many. And even more so, HOW it could help me reach my personal and financial goals.

My second career, as a Professional Network Marketer, continues to let me interact and help people; but now, I can be more proactive—I can reach out to people, help them identify and pursue their dreams, not wait for injury or illness to bring them across my path.
In conjunction with building my home-business, I chose to share with others the education and support I was so freely given. I am now apart of the team of Volunteer Mentors, with Mentoring For Free, who teach others "How to think, not what to think" and the skills to build the business of your choice using a proven system.


I want to be YOUR FRIEND IN MLM.

I urge you to invest your time in getting educated before you ever invest your money. YOU are your greatest assesst, which is exactly why Gavin encourages to BRAND yourself.

I would also like to THANK Gavin Munford at this time for spotlighting my profile on his site.

I would be my pleasure to assist you in any way that I can. Please feel free to contact me or learn more about me.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

A MLM Lesson from the Geese- Pat Crosby

A Lesson from the Geese

* As each bird flaps its wings, it creates an uplift for the bird following. By flying in a "V" formation, the whole flock adds 71% to the flying range than if each bird flew alone.
Lesson: People who share a common direction and sense of community can get where they are going quicker and easier when they are traveling on the thrust of one another.

* Whenever a goose falls out of formation, it suddenly feels the drag and resistance of trying to fly alone, and quickly gets back in formation totake advantage of the "lifting power" of the bird immediately in front.
Lesson: If we have as much sense as a goose, we will stay in formation with those who are headed where we want to go.

* When the lead goose gets tired, it rotates back into the formation and another goose flies at point position.
Lesson: It pays to take turns doing the hard tasks and sharing leadership -- interdependent with each other.

* The geese in formation honk from behind to encourage those up front to keep up their speed.
Lesson: We need to be sure our honking from behind is encouraging, not something less helpful.

* When a goose gets sick or wounded, two geese drop out of formation and follow him down to help and protect it. They stay with it until it is either able to fly again or dies. Then they launch out on their own, with another formation, or catch up with the flock.
Lesson: If we have as much sense as the geese, we'll stand by eachother like that.

Note: Lessons from Geese was transcribed from a speech given by Angeles Arien at the 1991 Organizational Development Network. It was based on the work of Milton Olson. It circulated to Outward Bound staff throughout the United States.

Shared from the Desk of Pat Crosby, Professional Network Marketer and Volunteer Mentor

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Nurture Your Network --from Melanie Kissell

"Are you a nurturer by nature?

Given your personality, you may already be

in tune with the significance and importance of

Nurturing your Network.

Otherwise, please take note ...
Networking is Not about YOU--

it's about the people you network with.

People who spend their networking time talking about themselves and their business are incredibly FORGETABLE. So spend your networking time learning about others. Suspend your self-interest and plant seeds of goodwill. Place other people's needs above your own. Make them feel special, and I guarantee--they'll remember you!"

Somethings bear repeating. My thanks to Melanie for saying it so well.
Your Friend in MLM, Laura in KY

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Why I share the ebook "Success in 10 Steps"

You may have noticed that I often offer the book "Success in 10 Steps,"
perhaps I have even offered it to You before.

WHY?? you may be wondering.

Because this book has touched so many lives.
It often SAVES people years of Failure &Frustration.
Or perhaps, helps END the years of Failure & Frustration experienced from being given inaccurate information.

[How many people has this book touched??? Hint: Google search "success in 10 steps" and see the over 10 pages of google links out there]

NetWork Marketing is NOT a sales business. It is a relationship business.
If this does not make sense to you, then perhaps you have some homework to do?

I have watched persons lose thousands of $$$$$ and tarnish relationships with friends and family while following "bad" advice or instructions. At one time, it almost cost me my marriage.

If I can save just one person from the pain and regret these mistakes can cost, It is well worth it.

If I can help you achieve the Success YOU Deserve, just let me know.
Your Friend in MLM,
Laura in Ky

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Can I Help You Fly???

What will you LEARN today??

What will it take to make YOU fly???

Can I help you reach your dreams?

I know that it takes a team--a team of mentors, friends, like-minded supporters to reach beyond the AVERAGE. True success is the result of TEAMWORK.

"We can lift ourselves out of ignorance,

we can find ourselves as creatures

of excellence and intelligence and skill.

We can be FREE!

We can learn to FLY!!!"

---Jonathan Livingston Seagull, by Richard Bach

Please let me know if I can be of any assistance.

Your Friend in MLM,

Laura in KY

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Pre-Requisites for NetWork Marketing--Do you have what it takes??

Do you have what it takes to be a Professional Network Marketer??

Before learning the "skills" of the trade, let's review some pre-requisite qualities that will help you determine if Network Marketing is the Right Choice for YOU.








"Good Words" for sure, but can YOU live by them?

Committment - Network marketing is not a "Get Rich Quick" scheme. Yes, some people experience relatively faster results than others, but that is not the average result. Are you willing to take the time needed to learn the skills you need?

Honesty - What is your motive? Will you say "anything" to get the sale? Are you willing to only engage in transactions that benefit all parties involved?

Respect -Will you respect yourself enough to not chase any "warm body" and "pitch" your deal? Will you show others Respect, taking time to learn what THEIR needs are before offering your product/service/opportunity as the solution?

Courage - Working a business outside of the parameters "of punching a clock at a J.O.B. " is often misunderstood by well-intentioned people. Are you willing to invest Your time now, for on-gpoing returns in the future? Are You willing to speak up and ask "HOW" and "WHY" a company chooses to do business?

Integrity - "Choose rightness over Ease & Convience." (Walk the Talk,

Again, Are you willing to only engage in transactions that benefit all parties involved? And have made a reasonable effort to ensure the other parties truly benefit? Are you willing to "work" to build your business, and spend the time to verify your information? Not just repeat what your up-line told you.

Accountability - Can you hold yourself accountable? You won't be "punching" the clock. Your results will reflex your actions taken. You must be able to find methods of holding yourself accountable for small, simple daily actions, this is the freedom and burden of being "self-employed."

Ethics - Do you have a strong foundation to guide you thru the challenges and temptations in this business?

I believe these "good words" are essential qualities, a foundation upon which you can build the skills You need to succeed in Network Marketing.

I would like to credit my inspiration for this topic to

for their "Walk the Talk" movie. It was both thought provoking and inspiring.

If you have not seen it yet, you can find it at:

To Your Success!

Your Friend in MLM,

Laura in KY

Friday, March 21, 2008

The Power of Networking. . . Is in the People

This is INCREDIBLE ! The picture was taken in 1918.
It is 18,000 men preparing for war in a training camp at Camp Dodge in Iowa.

What does this picture have to do with Network Marketing?
What is network marketing?

First. . . It is NOT "Getting Rich Quick" or "sitting alone in a room behind a computer."

NetWORKing does involve WORK--enjoyable work for those who like interacting with people, but work none-the-less.

Network marketing uses the combined effort of people to leverage and benefit all parties involved while providing a valuable product or service to those who "want" it.

As Art Jonak so frequently reminds, "it's getting a large group of people to do a few simple things consistently over time" that delivers the greatest impact.

This picture was a GREAT example of something that could only be accomplished as a Group-this could not have been achieved alone or even with a small circle of friends. It required a vast network of people in a coordinated effort to achieve this.

Ask Yourself: What will You and Your Team achieve in the near future?

To Your Success from Your Friend in MLM,

Laura in KY

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